Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup Postcards

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1. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Dog and Three Dots in a Line

Marriage Offer From Faithful Friend

2. our Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Anchor at Top and Broad Leaf Below

Happy Life But Jealous Enemy

3. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Mountain, Dots in Line, Anchor at Top

Happy Married Life and Offer From Friend

4. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Heart and Dots

Voyage Leading to Happy Marriage

5. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Mountain and Square with Dot

Promotion and Letter With Money or Good News

6. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Mountain, Three Dots in a Line

Happy Married Life and Offer From Friend

7. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Square with Three Dots, Anchor at Bottom

Letter With Good News, Successful Career

8. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Leaves at brim, Anchor at Bottom

Long Voyage with Successful Career Abroad

0. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Anchor at Bottom, Little Dots

Long Voyage with Successful Career Abroad

10. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Cat

Promotion and Lucky Letter But Rival

11. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Square with dot at side, Anchor at Bottom

Wish is Granted and Brilliant Future

12. Your Fortune in a Tea-Cup - Heart, leaves at Brim, Ring

Happy House Party and Marriage

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