Tea Company Booklets

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Tea Leaf Reading Booklets from Tea Companies

Instruction booklets about tea leaf reading were issued by a number of tea companies from the 1920s through the 1960s. They were either packed into boxes of tea or the customer sent in a proof-of-purchase coupon and a mall amount of money to cover the postage and received the booklet by return mail.

Booklets Accompanying Tea Sets from Tea Companies

Occasionally during the era from the 1920s through the 1960s, tea companies offered marked fortune telling cup and saucer sets as premiums packed within their larger boxes of tea, or as side-sales for which the customer sent in a proof-of-purchase coupon and a mall amount of money to cover the cost of the goods and postage. As far as i can tell, all such sets were marked for fortune telling, all came with an instruction booklet, and all the booklets referred primarily to the marked sets.

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